New Gligora Gift Catalogue 2020/21
We deliver the best gifts to your address!
Unique and refined gift packages are already ready and waiting for your loved ones and your business partners.
So why not cheer them up with cute, hand-knitted baskets or boxes and cheeses in a special edition? We have prepared several ready-made solutions for you, also, we inform you that you can fill the baskets and packages according to your own wishes!
In addition to the famous Pag cheese, make gifts from Dalmatian, Istrian, Posedarje or Krk prosciutto, Slavonian kulen and with the best Dalmatian and Istrian olive oils! Business gifts and birthday gifts have never been so tasty!
See what our gift offer looks like -> HERE
Photo Gallery:
birthday gifts business gift kulen slavonian kulen tasty gift wine proscituo from dalmatia dalmatian prosciutto prosciutto from istria krk prosciutto prosciutto posedarski pršut pgi zozp zoi pdo cheese dalmatinski pršut krčki pršut pršut paški sir
News from Gligora Dairy
birthday gifts business gift kulen slavonian kulen tasty gift wine proscituo from dalmatia dalmatian prosciutto prosciutto from istria krk prosciutto prosciutto posedarski pršut pgi zozp zoi pdo cheese dalmatinski pršut krčki pršut pršut paški sir