World Cheese Awards - 5 new awards

Sirana Gligora won 5 awards at this year's 34th World Cheese Awards held in Newport, Wales

This year was a record year in terms of the number of registered cheeses - as many as 4,434 from 42 countries. 900 cheeses from all over the world. Cheeses were evaluated by 250 judges from 38 countries.
It is also interesting how this year's WCA was supposed to be held in Kiev, Ukraine, however, because of the war, it was moved to Wales.

The awarded cheeses of Sirana Gligora are:
Super Gold - Stamped refined in Marasca pomace
Gold - Pag cheese (ZOI)
Silver - Pag cheese (ZOI) extra aged
Silver - Stamped extra old
Bronze - Smoked Chilli

Having won the Super Gold award, Gligorin Žigljen from marasca was ranked among the 98 best cheeses (2.21%), which is also the greatest success of Croatian cheeses at this year's competition.

This year's overall winner of the competition is Gruyer AOP Surchiox cheese from Volderfultigen cheese, while Gorgonzola Dolce DOP from De' Magi cheese won second place.

Sirana Gligor says that they are delighted with the awards, especially for the cheese from mixed cow's and sheep's milk - Žigljen, because the additional ripening and refinement in the fruit of the marasca cherry makes it unique, and they want to offer their customers from all over the world exactly that - very good and unique cheeses tested qualities!

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